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BeingWell Team’s August Newsletter

It’s Never Too Late to Reinvent Yourself

Or, for our patients under 40: New Habits, Who ‘Dis?


We know starting a new habit can be intimidating. You might even feel some “analysis paralysis” holding you back from taking the first step. Or maybe you’re afraid to start because you’re afraid to “fail.” But what would happen if you lowered the stakes a bit? Took some pressure off “getting it right” on your first try? 

So basically, Nutrition & Chill.


How about focusing on progress over perfection? Remind yourself that you don’t have to be 100% on all the time in order to get results or succeed. It’s what you’re doing most of the time that’s important. Beating ourselves up when we slide back a little is like picking up old gum & chewing it again. Toss it out & grab a fresh piece!


This is relevant in all areas of life, but especially in the context of nutrition. It’s common to think that if you eat a few slices of pizza after nailing your healthy eating regimen for the last week that you’ve fallen off the wagon. But what really matters is whether or not you make an effort to really nourish yourself at the next meal… & the meal after that… & after that.

You get it. 


BeingWell August Curiosity Challenge


What if you tried to get curious & excited about a new habit or behavior instead of feeling afraid or intimidated? We know this is easier said than done but this month we want to encourage you to choose 1-2 new healthy habits you’re trying to implement & approach them from a place of curiosity. And to remember to be kind to yourself in the process. Encountering setbacks or bumps in the road doesn’t mean you’ve failed, it means that you’re human & it’s all part of the process!


Meal Planning Isn’t Boring if You Make it a Party

This week, we’re also talking about meal planning! Meal planning is for everyone & it can be as complex or as simple as you’d like it to be – there are no rules here!  

Meal planning should fit your schedule & your lifestyle. It can & should be flexible! 

Do it alone, or grab a friend or two. You can even do the shopping together if you’d like. Order matching hats or t-shirts! Form a gang. Post photos to your social media and tag SpineZone. Have fun!


7 Simple Steps to Get Started With Meal Planning

Step 1: Schedule it! Block out a chunk of time on your calendar for meal planning & meal prep. Schedule it as an event in your calendar to make sure it doesn’t get missed- & make it fun! Blast your favorite feel-good playlist & start planning! It may also be helpful to break up meal planning & prep into 2 days to make it more manageable. 

Step 2: Troubleshoot your week! Take a look at your calendar & take note of any events, commitments, social outings, & how busy your upcoming week is going to be. Try being thankful you have so much to look forward to & also for the challenge of working around it!

Step 3: Assess your kitchen situation! Take note of what you already have in your pantry & fridge. This prevents you from overbuying items you already have. If you dance while doing this that’s half of your party.

Step 4: Choose your meals! List out what you would like to have for meals & snacks throughout the week. This can be as detailed or as simple as you’d like. Try to start small. Begin with a “problem” meal & work from there. And maybe add in one new food you’ve been meaning to try. Hello, dragonfruit!

Step 5: Make your plan! List your meals out in your planner. Plug each meal into each day of the week to give yourself a good idea of what your meals & snacks will be on each day. Use different colored pens for each food category if that’s your thing. Make up fun names- Disco Drumsticks, anyone? 

Step 6: Make a grocery list! Use your meal planner to list out what you don’t have already in your kitchen & what you need to get at the store. Try to list the items by category in the order they’re shelved in the store. This life hack has helped us reduce grocery store time by a whole lot.

Step 7: Go shopping! Electric Slide right into your favorite market… and don’t forget to bring your list.


BeingWell Team’s August Obsessions

Eat: Chobani Complete Advanced Nutrition Greek Yogurt Shake – a great way to get 25 grams of protein & some extra nutrients!

Read: The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris 

Watch: Salt Fat Acid Heat on Netflix (a feel good cooking documentary!)

Listen: Unlocking Us with Brene Brown: James Clear on Atomic Habits, Part 1 & Part 2 


At SpineZone, we focus on your pain, so you can focus on your healing.


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