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SpineZone Treats Degenerative Disk Disease

The Problem: Degenerative Disk Disease

Well, it’s not actually a “disease”, it’s a condition in which a damaged disk causes pain. Almost everyone has some spinal  deterioration as a result of aging, but not everyone will have degenerative disk disease. Disks are like 2-layered shock absorbers between the bones of the spine. They help our backs stay flexible.

What’s to Blame?

Disk degeneration can be caused by:

  • Age
  • The drying out of the  (when we’re born our disks are 80% water)
  • Daily activities & sports, causing tears to the outer core of the disk
  • Injuries, limiting the disks already very low blood supply


How Does It Feel?

Disk degeneration can cause swelling, soreness, instability, and acute or chronic pain. Low back pain is common, as is pain that gets worse when sitting (the disks have 3x more load to support when sitting than when standing or walking). Pain can affect the low back, neck, buttocks, and thighs, with numbness and tingling in the extremities. Weakness in the leg muscles is also a symptom.

How Will SpineZone Help Me Get Relief?

Our active therapy combined with our integrated BeingWell protocols lead you to strengthen the stabilizing muscles in your spine, build flexibility, and improve posture… all while offering mindfulness practices, nutrition coaching, and help changing unhelpful habits. You’re introduced to our evidence-based programs throughout your care journey. With SpineZone’s WholeBeing approach, we offer our patients the tools to help return to a productive lifestyle and the knowledge to be empowered to keep minds and bodies healthy.

Are There Prevention Tips?

  • Quit smoking (or don’t start), as smoking increases the drying out of disks
  • Be active
  • Lift properly
  • Maintain a healthy body weight
  • Reduce alcohol intake
  • Use supplements such as calcium, iron, and zinc (if your doctor says it’s ok)