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SpineZone Treats Neck Pain

The Problem: Neck Pain

Ok, yes, “neck pain” is a very generic term for the conditions we treat at SpineZone. Seriously though, isn’t neck pain the absolute worst? 


What’s to Blame?

Texting, scrolling, iPad/tablet/laptop use, desk-sitting with improper posture or for too long, heavy backpacks, injuries… there are so many villains causing chronic neck pain.


How Does It Feel?

Neck pain is tricky, because the conditions that cause it can wreak havoc on other body systems. Our ears, jaw, eyes/vision, shoulders, can all be affected. Headaches, migraines, tinnitus, insomnia, and so many other ailments can be a result of a neck condition/injury. And this is all in addition to the actual pain, stiffness, weakness, and limited mobility associated with neck issues.


How Will SpineZone Help Me Get Relief?

At SpineZone, our comprehensive healing approach is the perfect way to relieve chronic and acute neck pain. The highly-skilled physical therapy team at SpineZone, partnered with our stellar BeingWell practitioners, will have you on the road to recovery as soon as you schedule your evaluation. Quality orthopedic care has never been so convenient.

Are There Prevention Tips?

There are lots of prevention tips specific to each condition, but here are some best practices for optimum musculoskeletal health:

      • Limit repetitive lifting, pushing, bending, twisting, and pulling
      • Maintain a healthy weight by staying active and flexible
      • Learn and practice proper posture
      • Take frequent breaks when driving long distances, when working from a desk, and when in any type of sedentary position
      • Quit smoking, or don’t start, since smoking lessens the oxygen supply to the disks in the spine, causing quicker deterioration