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SpineZone Treats Postural Syndrome

The Problem: Postural Syndrome

Unfortunately, poor posture.


What’s to Blame?

Well, when your mama told you to stand up straight, she knew what she was talking about. Postural syndrome is a general descriptor referring to several conditions of the cervical spine and lumbar that’s normally caused by repeated poor posture. You knew this, but it bears repeating. Poor posture causes more than normal wear and tear on joint surfaces and adds stress to the ligaments holding the spinal joints together.

Specifically, Upper Cross Syndrome occurs when the muscles of your neck, shoulders, and chest  are out of balance. When some are tighter and some are weaker, imbalance and pain occur. UCS is mainly caused by hunching over a smartphone or laptop too frequently and/or for too long.

How Does It Feel?

The most common symptoms reported are neck pain, back pain, pain in the head and shoulders, and even pain spreading to the hips and thighs.

Upper Cross Syndrome can cause less range of motion, trouble breathing, and spinal issues.

How Will SpineZone Help Me Get Relief?

SpineZone’s comprehensive healing approach is the perfect way to relieve pain and stiffness from postural syndrome. The highly-skilled physical therapy team at SpineZone, partnered with our stellar BeingWell practitioners, will have you on the road to recovery as soon as you schedule your evaluation. Choosing SpineZone can jumpstart your orthopedic care and bring faster and more positive results.

Are There Prevention Tips?

Learning and practicing proper posture is great prevention because it keeps your bones and joints in alignment. 

Seated posture tips:

  • Don’t cross your legs
  • Make sure your chair height allows your feet to be flat on the floor or on a footrest
  • Keep your knees at or below your hip level
  • Make sure your chair has good lower back support- if it doesn’t, place a small pillow or rolled up towel behind your lower back
  • Keep head and neck in line with torso
  • Relax shoulders and keep forearms parallel to the floor
  • The top of your monitor should be at or slightly below eye level
  • Change seated position often- get up and stretch every hour

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