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SpineZone Treats Spondylolisthesis

The Problem: Spondylolisthesis

What’s to Blame? 

A defect in part of the vertebra = dysplastic spondylolisthesis 

Repetitive trauma most common in athletes = isthmic spondylolisthesis

Arthritic changes in the joints due to cartilage degeneration = degenerative spondylolisthesis

A joint fracture as a result of direct trauma or injury to the vertebrae = traumatic spondylolisthesis

A bone defect or abnormality (tumor, etc) = pathologic spondylolisthesis

How Does It Feel?

Symptoms range from none to mild in most cases.

Other patients report lower back pain, leg weakness, muscle tightness, tenderness in the injured area, “leaning forward”, stiffness, and sensation changes. Rarer symptoms are damage of spinal nerve roots, waddling gait, and loss of bladder control.


How Will SpineZone Help Me Get Relief?

Targeted stretches, a protocol of specialized core and back strengthening exercises from our stellar orthopedic care team, and our BeingWell whole-being program combined will have your pain reduced, your stress managed, your nutrition in an optimum place, and your sleep the stuff of dreams. You’ll be back on the pickleball team asap.

Are There Prevention Tips?

Exercise, stretching, proper nutrition, and stress management may help.

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